Re: Help!! is it possible these "stones" are the body's reaction to a large ingestion of oil?
I can tell you these are definitely stones. A few weeks ago, I had the worst gallbladder attack I have ever had. After I managed to get through that night, I had constant severe pressure on my right side just under the last rib. This is the location of the gallbladder. I knew of the flush method but was afraid to do it right away for fear of passing sharp stones. I knew I needed to soften them first before flushing.
I worked to quickly change my diet and soften stones and in the meantime I had more attacks late at night. It felt like someone was constantly pushing the end of a baseball bat against my right side. I could hardly sit down or button my pants and was forced to wear only dresses. I could not eat much at one sitting, cause this pressure made me feel full after a few bites. I didn't even wait two weeks because I couldn't take this pressure anymore and did the flush.
The very next day, that immense pressure was GONE! If that wasn't a stone blocking the free flow of bile, then what else could it have been? My stools soon became dark brown while they had been the color of clay because not enough bile was flowing. Now I can eat and don't feel full after just a few bites.
Another experience I can tell you about is that you will read on this site about the suggested use of a daily dose of a little olive oil and lemon juice to keep things flowing regularly. This might work for some people but when I tried it about a year ago, I ended up in the ER with a pain worse than child birth! The action of that one tbsp. of olive oil was only enough to JUST BEGIN to push a stone into the bile duct, where it became stuck! Gratefully, it did keep moving but it took TWO HOURS for that thing to finally pass thru the bile duct. (And by the way, those doctors didn't do a thing for me.) How could one tbsp of olive oil taken the night before have that kind of effect on the body (as in turning into a stone that would cause me such great pain?) I eat olive oil all the time on my salad but it never turns into something hard when I end up expelling it.
There are many interesting posts and articles on this site which explain all this very scientifically. You would enjoy reading them. Just do a search using the words "olive oil and coagulate"
There is no way olive oil can turn into a stone. I plan to try the daily OO/lemon juice when I am sure I have done enough flushes to really clean out my liver of stones. No more trips to the ER for me. Hope this helps to clarify something for you. It's just my two cents.