Re: Does anyone feel they are becoming dependant upon the flushes....
Yes, you can become dependant on liver flush!
I am dependant. I am dependant on well-being that
Liver Flush brings.
I need one flush every 6 months, to ensure that my bile ducts are clean. If I don't do it, I risk getting some
food intolerance within next few years. Am I willing to take that risk? No. Why?
I prefer to flush stones while they are 3 mm, rather then wait 3 years for them to become 3cm.
Do I have any other option to keep my bile ducts clean?
To keep my bile ducts clean, I would most likely had to be 3 times more active then I am now. I just have no time for that.
Is it a problem for me that I am dependant?
No, not at all.
Alternative is blocked bile ducts, leading to food intolerance, Candida, intestinal disturbances ... nothing I am looking forward to.
With 1,2 or 3 flushes a year, I am healthier then 99.9% of people my age.
And, yes, your colon can get dependant on laxatives, enemas,
colonics ... if you do it every day for several weeks.
Many people experienced that.
Laxatives, enemas and
colonics should never be used for longer then 7 - 14 days in a raw ... or you do risk dependency.
The best way to keep your colon clean is to take care what you eat, and to keep your level of physical activity high.
Sometimes, people choose to become dependant on enemas, rather then to die or suffer constant pain. Many people who have had cancer, or who are in wheelchair live now happy life, but they have to take enema once a day to ensure clean colon ... because they had to take enemas for very long time before, while curing colon cancer or liver cancer, or because their colon simply stop working. There is a point of no-return ... and anyone can reach that point.
Liver Flush cause colon dependency?
No, unless you are flushing your liver every day for a long time.
Liver and gallbladder itself can only become stronger if flush removes stones that have been blocking bile ducts for months or years.
There is no way liver can become dependant, because liver only gets stronger the more bile gets out of ducts and gallbladder.
But, you can become dependant on health and well being!
If you have been suffering from allergies, migraines, or some other uncomfortable feelings, and after doing several flushes, you regain your health and well-being, and then you stop flushing for a year or 2, and symptoms start returning, you may feel like you need to flush again, and you can call it "being dependant on flushes".
In reality, several flushes cannot ensure that your liver will not produce new stones in the future. Flush is a band-aid, not the cure for poor lifestyle or damaged liver.
There are many factors that affect liver function, and some of those factors you can change.
The best way to ensure that your liver is producing as less as possible stones, is to keep your diet clean from
foods that kill , to exercise every day, and to consume sufficient amount of fats every day.
The less stones your liver produce, the less often you will need liver flush.