I was hoping to transition into Atkins after completing a 15 day fast; however as part of the necessary 'housekeeping' after a fast I feel it's time to do a parasite cleanse, then a 2-day fast for liver flush, after which I can commit fully to the diet.
My parasite cleanse rquires 1/4 cup of raw unpasteurized Apple Cider Vinegar (Bragg/with the 'mother') morning and evening for one week and lists at 14 grams according to 'FitDay' nutritional analysis. After entering all my food for today including dinner My carbs are at 24. This will REALLY be easy once I can omit the ACV.
My queery is...do I need to concern about this few carbs over 20 to consider myaself 'embarked' on Atkins? Or should I put off my OFFICIAL start date until my cleanses are over?