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Re: Any advice to help 80 y.o. grandma w/ faltering health, in need of immediate help
wellnessyoga Views: 2,368
Published: 22 y
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Re: Any advice to help 80 y.o. grandma w/ faltering health, in need of immediate help

I can sympathize with your wish and frustration of wanting to help an elderly relative. I have been taking care of my 90 year old mother for years.
First we conquered bad Arthritis and constipation, about 15 years ago. My mother was in enough pain, and had little success with conventional doctors, that she was willing to follow my suggestions. She changed her diet to a much healthier one , eliminated most sugars ( NOT natural fruits, she'll never give those up), coffee, black tea, milk, refined flours etc, chocolate, and some other foods that are bad. She did vegetable juice cleanses(short), and started making her own daily fresh vegetable juices. To this day she eats two fresh mixed salads every day, but recently got too lazy to do the juicing. She started taking vitamin mineral, and herbal supplements supplements, digestive encymes, started daily walks and got an exercise bike. To deal with cronic constipation, she takes one teaspoon of psyllium husks ( from health food store)in a full glass of water, first thing in the morning and last thing at night. All of constipation and most of her Arthritis became history!
Then she developed candidaisis and food allergies , a little trickier to deal with, as she refuses to understand why she should not eat certain foods that everyone else says are good for her...
Since I have plenty of personal experience with candida and food sensitivities , I was able to help her somewhat, but not totally.
This is what I finally resorted to do ( now, at 90, we are also dealing with joint weakness, skin cancer, several mini strokes, memory loooses/ possibly Alzheimer's, and macular degeneration. I have searched out a family doctor who practices also holistic medicine. He is also a Chinese herbalist and acupuncturist, and has a wealth of knowledge about diet, supplements etc.(which most regular doctores either laugh at or just let you "indulge" in). He is putting mother on an intravenous chelation treatment, including intravenous hydrogen peroxyde. So far we really like his approach.
Perhaps you may want to consider a similar route. I chose a holistic medical doctor and not a naturopathic doctor for her for several reasons: a medical doctor has full knowledge of the medication she is receiving, and what he suggests will be easier accepted by my mother and family members. This one also does chelation therapy, no Naturopathic doctor around here does it. ( In the past I have consulted a Naturopathic Doctor on her behalf, who had suggested certain supplements she did well with)
I am writing you this story, in the hopes your grandmother can be motivated, too.
Wishing you and your grandmother much success!


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