Info source? On Day 51
I would like to know your source for the 50% muscle/50% fat info.
I do believe everybody is different so this fast can correct different things on each body.
Those overweight need to get rid of the fat (storing toxins) and both thin and overweight people need to dump the mucoid plaque (storing many toxins).
I am currently on Day 51.
I have currently lost 34
lbs. and need to lose about 18 more.
I mow (using a push mower) our 1/3 acre yard about every 10 days (throughout the fast).
I stretch using Body Flex every morning for 30 minutes (for the past week).
I climb stairs at least 4 times a day.
And I chase after a 2 year old.
I have gotten stronger since alot of the fat is out of the way (the first week I became very flexible).
I have never gotten chest pains or quickness of breath while on this fast.
I do believe there is an adjustment phase your body will go through because it is using up stores of fat instead of food.
So some people might go through periods of weakness (especially if they haven't exercised in a while) and then SUPER ENERGY!
I have done both for the past 51 days.