Re: Consumers Can No Longer Sue Drug Companies For The Harm Caused By Any FDA-Approved Drug
Its a sign of the times - and the times are too much corporate control over government regulators, from pharmaceuticals to soup.
It is a result of the Elites wealthy 5% who are so desperate to retain control of all things financial, so they wil stay on top. The more they have to lose, the further they will go to protect it, and "whateveer it takes" is how far the elites wealthy will go.
It is true - government is selected by industry, not voters. They do this in the nomination process, putting "their people in all the right places". Not just elected officials, but the FDA too, and all regulatory bodies. And not just in America, but in every nation on earth.
This relates to global warming too - the Elites control all economies thru the control of oil, and they won't want to give that up for severe weather, they can buy their protection from it, no worries. They are getting in the way of anything that reduces the use of crude oil, including efficiency and alternative fuels.
That sums it up nicely, thanks for getting me started