Poison Ivy Cure with Hot Water[I would add aloe vera after the hot water cools]
I have poison ivy right now and I have found the BEST way to get rid of the itching is to run tepid water over the sores and then increase the temperature to a level that is bearly tolerable. I have it on my leg rash and blistering and I stood in the shower for about 15 minutes and just sighed. It indeed took away the itching for at least eight hours . . . what a relief. I'm also using a cortizone cream to help promote healing.
--Ronnie (gtocov@NOSPAMaol.com) submitted 12/Jul/2000
Run hot water over the affected area (as hot as you can stand it without burning) . This will immediately relieve itching and quickly help to heal the affected area.
--Annlowe7@NOSPAMaol.com submitted 6/Jul/2000
Be sure to cleanse the skin, even if you are too late to prevent the rash entirely before using a hot bath or hot shower. Heat releases histamine, the substance in the cells of the skin which causes the intense itching. Therefore, a hot shower or bath will cause intense itching as the histamine is released. The heat is gradually increased to the maximum tolerable and continued until the itching has subsided. This process will deplete the cells of histamine and the patient will often obtain eight hours of relief from the itching. This method has the advantage of not requiring frequent application of ointments to the lesions and is a good way to get some sleep at night. Poison ivy or oak will persist for the same length of time despite the medication. If secondary bacterial infection occurs, healing will be delayed; hence scratching is not helpful. Cut the nails to avoid damage to the skin through scratching."
--(aivab@NOSPAMasuvm.inre.asu.edu) submitted May/19/1999
When I break out in a rash caused by poison ivy I run water as hot as I can possibly stand over the rash. I start with warm water and slowly raise the temperature until it is as hot as I can stand it. This helps with the itching and usually after 3 or 4 hours I no longer itch. The rash usually disappears after 4 or 5 days with this treatment.
--(cgrey@NOSPAMglobetrotter.net) submitted Oct/4/1999
Just another endorsement here for the hot water treatment recommended in the posts. I've been infected twice this year with the rash, currently on my mid-torso and the underside of both forearms. I read through previous postings, and decided to give the hot water treatment a go (I'd already noticed some relief in the warm shower).
Ramping up the temperature is a must for the treatment to work, being cautious not to scald yourself with sudden and wild changes there. The relief, and dare I say, pleasure derived from concentrating very hot water directly on the areas infected approaches a euphoric level once you find the right temperature. I haven't any idea how length of treatment (15min. Or until the heater gives out for me) affects outcome, but my relief since starting yesterday lasts close to 6 hours between showers.
Additionally, I've started washing by hand only - having discarded the puffy I normally use for fear of spreading any remaining oil by using it. The temporary change from full-size body towel to hand towels (a new one after every shower!) saves on laundry too.
It's too early to tell how long it will take to clear up, but I've completely done away with the OTC creams and other topicals as the itching is either gone completely or at quite tolerable levels (a great indicator for another treatment) now.
Thank you again to all the previous posts on this very irritating subject... -E Olson San Francisco, CA
--Erik Olson (eolson@NOSPAMamericanav.com) submitted 17/Jul/2001
Hot water stops the itching completely for several hours. I also appears to help heal the blisters. The water should be as hot as the palms of your hands can stand (this is hotter than the hot shower suggested by others). Use of a wash cloth makes it easier to apply the water and holds contact longer. There is significant discomfort (pain that almost feels good) when the water is applied, but the pain and itching go away instantly when the water is removed. No pain, no gain.
--"Bill Fadden" (bill651s@NOSPAMaol.com) submitted 17/Jul/2001
I have suffered from poison ivy for the past eight years and finally this year found that "hot enough to almost cook your skin" water is the most beautiful relief while its being applied and keeps the prickling at bay for hours. Most of the time I can even sleep though the night. I've found that it almost completely eliminates oozing and the swelling goes down much faster. I can completely drain our hot water tank while taking a boiling hot shower, but careful with your body parts that don't have the rash.
--"Jo" (bardep@NOSPAMskyweb.ca) submitted 25/Jul/2001
Finally found relief. Thanks for the great hot water treatment and Clorox advice. Suffering from some killer poison oak right now. Last time I had poison ivy I used brake cleaner on it and it dried up and went away. Tried it again on the poison oak and the only that has brought any relief was the hot water and chlorine. Gonna buy some of that Ivy Cover stuff before I hike Mt. Diablo again. Anybody know of some good stuff that will keep the ivy off you to begin with?
--"Steve" (sjr1313@NOSPAMaol.com) submitted 29/Jul/2001
I contacted poison ivy by doing my husband`s laundry. He trims trees and had to clean out a feild of the nasty stuff. To bad for me he failed to tell me it was all over his clothes. The next day my hands, arms, and even the bottoms of my feet were covered and very badly swollen.My fingers and palms of my hands were very swollen and painful. I started the hot water baths after trying the ointments. To my surprise it worked! The itching gets very intense under the scalding water and the baths were so hot it hardly seemed worth it until I got out. Aaaahhhhh. I stopped using the ointments and continued the baths and so far it works better than anything else. It also seems to be bringing the rash to a head and healing quicker. The hot water seems to really bring out the rash and at frist it scared me because it looked worse but then I realized it was drawing out the poison.I Sleep better and the itching is releived for hours. Thanks for this great info and I am sure I would be suffering more if this website was not around.
--"Rocky" (timssquaw@NOSPAMaol.com) submitted 7/Aug/2001
I am suffering from my worse bout of poison ivy in years. I've found only a few things work well for me... As others on the sight have mentioned, ultra hot water - as hot as you can stand it, the euphoric sensation and the non-itch is worth the heat. However, the best thing I've found to dry the oil is anti-perspirant... It definetly keeps it dry! I use a stick, but I'm guessing the aerosol probably works even better!
--"Rosie" (roselleturenne@NOSPAMhotmail.com) submitted 13/Aug/2001
I also use the Hot water method to relieve the itching for some weird reaso= n this seems to work the best for me, after the hot water treatment I use Ivy Super Dry this product will dry out the blister's in 2 day's. You need to be careful if you have sensitive skin because it will make your skin very dry.
--"Christopher Couture" (c.couture@NOSPAMloa.com) submitted 28/Aug/2001
I have to weigh in with my poison ivy tale. I have always been extremely sensitive to it but an injection of cortisone has always worked like magic. This last time it started on my left cheek, progressed to the left side of my face and neck, the right side of face and neck, and my inner upper arms. Not weepy but terribly red and itchy. At that point an injection of corticosteroid from the dermatologist apparently did no good. The rash went on to my inner thighs, groin and belly. I applied the cortisone derivative ointment twice a day but it continued to itch terribly, and got especially annoying when I fell asleep. At this point I looked up your site and read about the various poison ivy treatments and decided to try the hot water ("as hot as you can stand it") treatment. I have to say that at first each spot that the hot water hits will itch intensely (and I do mean intensely) and you move around hitting all your ivy until the intense itching stops. Then I was blessed with up to 8 hours relief from the itching. Of course after the hot water treatment all the ivy was flaming red and it really didn't seem to improve the rash at all (just the itching). Anyway, after two weeks of hot water and three weeks of cortisone ointment it is finally dying down. I can tell because the rash is darker (not as angry looking) and the itching is considerably less. I have stopped the hot water and have run out of ointment but hope (and pray) this is the end of it. Thanks for listening. Dorothy Vining
--babydot@NOSPAMjuno.com submitted 3/Sep/2001
I broke out from poison ivy a few days ago, last night it was unbareable. At 3 am I was up, unable to sleep from the intense heat and itching. I had read on one of the boards about letting very hot water run over the infected areas. I had taken benedryl before I went to bed and also had applied an anti-itching cream but there I was, wide awake. So, I decided, what did I have to lose? I sat on the edge of my bath tub and started the water out warm, I let the water run over my legs and slowing increased the heat until I could barely tolerate it. It burned and itched horribly at first, but I continued and after a few minutes the itching was gone. It works!!! I couldn't believe it. The itching was totally gone. I went back to bed and didn't wake back up until my alarm clock went off. Some folks said it lasts for 8 hours, I may not have stayed under the hot water long enough but mine only lasted about 4 hours, but still nothing that I have tried (benedryl, cooling cream, anti-itch cream, hydrocortisone)did more for me than the hot water. I wanted to post this because its a great way to get relief without having to reapply creams that at least for me, don't help very much. Hope this helps you sleep too:)
--"Nickie" (nlpeck00@NOSPAMcs.com) submitted 11/Sep/2001
Editor: When I had it very bad, I also was getting about 4 hours relief. I am ashamed to admit that I probably enjoyed the sensation of the Hot Water a little more than I should have. Pitiful! But when your itch becomes uncontrollable and you have tried everything ... It sure feels good! Those of you that have tried this know exactly what I mean!
I've had a case of poison ivy for a week. I have tried the hot water treatment twice. Nothing has seemed to help stop the spread of red blotches on my skin. I'm worried that the hot water treatment has, in fact, increased the spread.Hot water is an inexpensive and quick method of symptomatic treatment. Yes, it provides immense relief. But I suspect that it ultimately prolongs the poison ivy experience. Think about it: your body does this trick where it localizes toxins. This is why blisters form at sites of bacterial infection, burns, and poisons--the body locks the dirty stuff away from the bloodstream. Urushiol is a thin oil. It has a sufficiently powerful effect on the human body that it doesn't really matter how much urushiol you have, just how spread out it is. Though it only causes reactions in the dermis, it can travel through the bloodstream. When it travels, it settles in and disturbs new parts of the dermis. Hot water expands your capillaries, gorging what is probably already swollen skin with blood. A bit of the poison leaves your skin as it dissolves in the blood. Now the poison gets to wander into the veins. Not much of it makes it to the liver and kidneys to be excreted--that's why systemic reactions take so long to go away. Much more of it, because it is an oil, settles in your fat cells, where it stays until you burn them. Now you have tiny deposits of a harmful agent all over in your body, instead of all in one place like it was before you took that soothing hot shower. So it takes longer to get rid of the agent, which gives it more time to cause skin damage. Wouldn't it make more sense to keep the poison on the outside of your body until you shed the skin it inhabits, in the meantime taking your antihistamines to avoid the urge to scratch? Antihistamines are cheap, over-the-counter, and harmless.Buck up and take some cold showers, washing thoroughly with a mild soap. Your body's way of localizing, neutralizing, and shedding the poison with the epidermis is a much faster way to have this over with than any method that spreads the urushiol around. Do not make the mistake I made when I followed this hot water advice. All it got me was more bumps, and what I expect will be a longer recovery time.
--"Jeff" (jephron@NOSPAMexcite.com) submitted 3/Oct/2001
RE:Hot water treatment. This is why it works. The stuff that makes your skin itch is called histamine. Your body makes it. To control the itch some people reccommend an antihistamine such as benedryl "the histamine blocker". What hot water does is it draws out the histamine thereby stopping the itch. It takes your body 6-8 hours to regenerate the histamine which why you start itching again.
--"Daniel Burns" (dan@NOSPAMburnsart.com) submitted 5/Apr/2002
I have poison oak for the first time in my life and boy is it bad. I first noticed it on my face and groin ( have no idea how it got there :) ). It has spread to my arms, back and stomach. It has been a terrible experience and the only good thing to come out of it are my showers. After I turn the shower on warm, I get in, and continue to make it hotter. I make the water so hot that I can barely stand it -- damn it feels good!!!! Its almost as good as sex! Well, maybe not. But it does take away almost all itching for at least 4 hours. You have to try it.
--"Max Siva" (max_s@NOSPAMcutcorep.com) submitted 16/Apr/2002
Re: Water (hot) Remedy is Bittersweet to say the least, but this is by far (and in all my years of getting poison ivy rashes) the best relief I've found for hours of comfort (I've tried many). Bittersweet because the intensity of the histamines being released due to the application of the extremely hot water is enough to make you scream (and not with delight). You may want to consider keeping a tightly rolled up washcloth in your mouth to bite down on when you get "cooking". This is no match for simply not getting the rash but you're here reading this so go on - get in the shower! Thanks to all that posted on this web site. I'm grateful this information was here! -- Fred Block
--"Fred Block" (fblock@NOSPAMcuzware.com) submitted 9/May/2002
I started out with what I thought was merely a pimple or two...then I broke out in a big red huge ugly rash on my face which spread to my arms legs and abdomin. the itching was sooo intense....i tried to figure out what I did that caused this terrible itchy rash...my husband and I went out and surveyed the area where I was doing my gardening and found it to be loaded with poison ivy...i went to my doctor and he prescribed prednisone(the 6 day pill pak) and diprolene AF.....i also bought calagel ,aveeno cream,aveeno bath soaks and took benedryl.my face,eyes and ears were swelling so bad it throbbed. I read in here about the hot water...and I tried it...it was sooooooo relieving!!!!!!!!!!!but so far in addition to the hot water I found that my very own houseplant (aloe) worked wonders.hope this helps someone else...
--"linda" (cupkake337@NOSPAMaol.com) submitted 24/May/2002
I found that very very hot showers gave about 1/2 days relief. This also feels good when covered in poison ivy. My poison ivy finally dried up and went away within 2 days of bathing in about 2 boxes of baking soda. I found that bleach did very little.
--"Cammy" (cammyfrog@NOSPAMhotmail.com) submitted 10/Jun/2002
Regarding all of the hot water treatments, I am incredibly allergic and love nothing more than a really hot shower for relief however hot water pulls blood to the surface of your skin and can then carry the poison all over your body. Been there done that will never do it again.
--"Mark" (Goldvw@NOSPAMyahoo.com) submitted 13/Jun/2002
I have read this site and thanks. Hot water does make it stop itching for a long time. My mother had a clorox remedy that seemed to help. She would take just a cap full of clorox into a tub of bath water. Between the hot water and the bleach it really does help.
--"Danny" (chieffreak@NOSPAMaol.com) submitted 9/Aug/2002
I would like to thank all the people that recommended hot water to help with the itching. I had burned a huge pile of brush and evidently the Poison Ivy was in it because the smoke got me good on one half of my body. I had to wait 3 days before I could get in to see the doctor, it spread in the meantime and the hot water treatments really helped until I could get in to see him. I used hot water straight out of the tap on my arms and it helped a lot, I had to splash the hot water on my face and it wasn't quite as effective. Between the hot water, Caladryl Lotion and Benadryl the itching was pretty much controlled. When it came time to see the doctor I was covered with blisters and my eyes were starting to swell shut. He prescribed Methylpredni which you take for about a week. While at the pharmacy picking up the prescription I asked the pharmacist what was a good itch controller, he recommended Ivy Dry. It comes in a liquid, put it on with cotton balls and works great. Between the pills and the liquid the blisters have disappeared and the swelling is just about gone in a little over 24 hours. I still have the redness but it is slowly going away. Be forewarned that the Ivy Dry stings like the devil on sensitive parts of your body for a minute or two. No problem on the legs, arms and torso but on the face a definite ouch for a couple of minutes but it is well worth it. I am continuing with the liquid and Benadryl, between the two I am on a speedy recovery. Good luck to all of you and have a great day! Jan from Oklahoma
--"Jslittlefarm" (jslittlefarm@NOSPAMlakewebs.net) submitted 18/Aug/2002
Yes! Hot water really does work. I get it so bad that I actually get bruises. The first time I was exposed to it and broke out was from indirect contact. I had it for three months and it took straight steroids (oral, topical and injections) to get rid of it. The only cure I have (other than the steroids) consists of three treatments a day. I soak in as hot of water as I can stand and then scrubbing my entire body with a sudsy body brush. After I dry off I pour straight alcohol on every speck of the rash. It sounds painful, but the burning actually feels good compared to the itching. Once absorbed, I use Ivarest and allow it dry. I then take Benadryl and go to bed. This usually relieves the uncomfort for the night. Then I repeat in the morning before work (minus the Benadryl). I usually have to rush home after work for the mid-day treatment because that's about when the itching starts up again (I skip the Benadryl then also). Great site! Chrisy Johnson
--"Chrisy Johnson" (cjohnson@NOSPAMeaivalue.com) submitted 20/Aug/2002
I decided to help a close friend by working in her new yard with getting rid of the posion ivy. Just about a week and a half later we both found out we didn't protect ourselves good enough. Well one night the iching woke me, actually about 3:30 am. I thought I would go crazy rubbing my arms. I got out an old book from my health ins. Co. And prayed for a home remedy...hot water it was. I couldn't believe how after a few minutes of pain under that hot water I was able to sleep like a baby. My friend didn't trust this remedy but I'm convinced. I have spread the word to other friends just in case but they mostly look at me funny. I was glad to find this site and to hear other testamonials saying the same thing. Thanks!
--"Karen" (kdelnero@NOSPAMmsn.com) submitted 30/Aug/2002
Many of the remedies listed here are far too complicated. Here's the deal. I had poison ivy really bad and it was on most of my body. If you can go to the doctor and get the shot that works. Do this asap so that your duration of pain will be minimized. Second, products such as Zanfel work too. I have found that a great deal of relief can be had by using hot water. After you have come into contact with pi and its been on you for more than say an hour, there arent any more preventive measures you can take to not breakout. If you simply shower several times a day, at first using soap as you normally would, after that you use water as hot as you can stand and put it on the affected areas. The hot water will release the histamine in one huge rush and you will feel a itching sensation that is undescribable for approximately 3 seconds. After that however you will feel no itch whatsoever for about 6 hours. It seems too simple but it works....very hot water will release the !histamine in your body all at once and you will be itch free for hours afterwards. Also, change clothes after each shower and wash bedsheets and the like every day. In less than 2 weeks the itching, swelling, and redness will be completely gone.
--"Bill" (golfmaster87@NOSPAMyahoo.com) submitted 14/Jan/2003
I've suffered from Poison Ivy for over three years, ever since I buoght my house. The worst case lasted almost 4 months and covered over 60% of my body (I mean everywhere). At first I left it alone (with minor scratching here and there) but it eventually spread to my face and eyes. My grandfather prescribed me small doses of prednesome for 10 days (10mg per day). This reduced the swelling and and made the rash seem to disapear. But with in days of the final dose, it started to come back with a vengence. Now occuping my face, chest, legs, and even in between my fingers and toes (talk about anoying). When this happened, I knew it was time to see a real doctor. He then prescribed prednisome again (6 days of 60mg then 6 days of 40mg and finally 6 days of 20 mg). Though the dose was significantly higher, there was little effect (plus not to mention the tremendous negative effects of the prednisome steroid on the body). At this point I had no clue what to do, and finally started listening to some hippie friends. Super hot water, was the only remedy to take away the itching, and it really worked! Its non itch period lasted about 8 hours, allowing me to sleep, but still the rash was still there. Here's when I found that a warm salt water bath (put a lot of salt water in) for about 30 min (not to mention it cleans the tub) twice a day (after the Super hot shower) seemed to make it dissapear in about 5 days. Also another remedy that helps for small rashes is face soap with sylacylic acid.
--M C (american_dream77@NOSPAMyahoo.com) submitted 24/Feb/2003
I thought I was crazy when I was deriving enjoyment (and relief) from a hot hot shower, but since visiting your site, I take a hot hot shower everytime the itching starts and it really helps. Thanks for helping me feel less crazy.
--"Angela" (angela_fyler@NOSPAMyahoo.com) submitted 2/Apr/2003
I'm suffering from poison ivy right now!! I am only typing with my left hand because my right hand is so swolen. I am on a cream from the doctor right now. I like the hot water the most though. I turn the shower on blazing hot, and stay in it for about 30 minutes. I might try either the baking soda or the white vinegar trick. Hot water relieves the itch temporarily, about 2-3 hours. If it's really bad on your hand or foot, get a plastic container and fill it up with hot water. This also relieves the itching. Thanks!!!
--"Joe" (no email provided) submitted 9/Apr/2003
I just got some terrible poision ivy covering my face, everyone told me to use calladryl clear to dry it up... But its so bad that my left eye is swollen so I can hardly see and my right eye is just starting to swell. My face is all red and covered with blisters and yellow ooze. After applying calladryl clear it only got worse and so I took a shower... Everyone said it was going to spread but it didnt... A hot shower and when I was done my face had most pain relieved... For a few hours. Id reconmend anyone with seriously bad poision ivy on their face to take a hot shower... It doesnt work as well as other areas but it does provide temporary relief.
--Meaghan (black_flames_2009@NOSPAMyahoo.com) submitted 9/Apr/2003
I recently got poison ivy under my right ear from a botany project, and it started spreading across my face and onto my ear. When I went to the doctor, he warned me not to use hot water (which many people have been forwarding as a soothing agent) on the rash -- in fact, I was to shower and wash my face in the coolest water I could stand. Heat -- from showers, exertion, etc. -- exaccerbates the problems caused by poison ivy because it increases blood flow. Increased blood flow leads to greater swelling and possibly further spreading of the rash.
--"Susan Stewart" (susan@NOSPAMmenareidiots.com) submitted 1/May/2003
Editor: Those interested in exactly what is happening during the rash may find this site which describes the immune response useful. You might also try ice cubes or cold compresses. Unfortunately, hot water feels great on a burning itch. Once you try it, it is very hard not to want to do it again. Hot water also causes drying which could make the itch more intense later perhaps. I received quite a bit of relief until I could get zanfel mailed to me a few years back.
I have about 3 medical books in my house and one in particular stated to get in the shower and let hot water run over your rashes, gradually increasing the hotness...I Noticed that each time the water got hotter, the rash itched for about 1 minute then stopped, It took me about 5 minutes or less and it cured my itching for about the next 4 hours..and I must tell you it felt good!!..seeing as how I'd been using Aveeno Hydorcortisone cream and Gold Bond Powder...all day every day...
--T Baker (mickey1898@NOSPAMyahoo.com) submitted 28/May/2003
When I contract pi my whole body gets polluted with it. I look like a reject from a
Science fiction movie. Bleach has never worked for me. Hot water mixed with anything has done nothing but irritate the exposed areas. A trip to the local public pool with swollen limbs and profusely leaking sores isn't very practical or welcome from other patrons. Washing with Tecnu after being out seems to help control the severity of the rash. The Calamine spray has been very soothing and helped promote drying of the sores (regular calamine is too weak, it must be the spray). Used along with Benedryl, taken orally, it can be bearable. Cold baths using liquid unscented antibacterial soap will not irritate it. Years ago there was a series of shots that you could get (1 a week for 4 weeks) that would prevent you from contracting the rash. The Government stopped approving the batches of this vaccine because there were many other vaccines to be tested and approved that were deemed more important (I was informed of this by the allergist that I could no longer get the shots from).
--"THOMAS FIALKOVICH" (fialthom@NOSPAMmsn.com) submitted 31/May/2003
I have had poison ivy maybe two or three times in my life, and it's been several years since I've had it. But the pleasure, yes pleasure of hot water running over the area affected by poison ivy makes me want to get it again. My friend currently has poison ivy, and if I thought he'd do it I'd probably ask him to rub a little on my arm just so I can experience the euphoria of hot water running over it, it's an unbelievable rush!! It sounds crazy but it is the best feeling I've ever had, I could sit for hours dousing my poison ivy with hot water! I strongly recommend hot water for anyone who is fortunate enough to have poison ivy!
--"Terry" (terry_in_goldsboro@NOSPAMyahoo.com) submitted 7/Jun/2003
The hot water idea is great for most of the body. I had a bad case on my elbow, and used the hot water idea on that. As you may know the skin on your elbow is pretty well dead when it comes to pain. I got the water too hot and had nasty burn blisters on the skin for much longer than the pi lasted. I just couldn't feet how hot the water was.
--Michael and Dana Herrington (herrmd@NOSPAMneto.com) submitted 11/Jul/2003
First, thank you for this website. I found it at 3am when itching miserably from my first bout with poison ivy. I would like to tell you what recommendations from your webiste worked for me. I first took a hot shower (using Dial soap). I then used a blow dryer on the hottest setting. While both of these methods send you through the roof when doing it, it immediately relieves the itching once the heat is taken away. I then followed up with Band Aid (formerly Rhuli brand) Calamine spray. This method gave me relief for over 6 hours, and I noticed that the first patches of rash started to dry up. Now, I did have the rash for 4 days before starting this treatment, so it may be that it was starting to dry up and heal on its own, but I think the above methods are well worth a try. If it only relives the itch it is worth it!
--Melissa Sever (seve22@NOSPAMcolumbus.rr.com) submitted 04/Aug/2003