Re: Poison Ivy Cure with Hot Water[I would add aloe vera after the hot water cools]
last year, I was taking Essiac, an anti-cancer tea u make. when I got PI, I used Epsom salt/baking soda paste, put on, wash off, worked great. This year, no Essiac, and that solution didn't work. Got
Essiac back, but it had taken off in the meantime.
Now, I wash my feet/arms in a basin of water with 20 drops of activated
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement (online), then apply Burt's Poison Ivy Soap OR the Pau D'Arco lotion.
What cleared up my arms, is BPx, made by natures sunshine, which is online.
A naturopath told me, Rhus Tox 10M, taken from Feb to Nov, will keep you from getting poison ivy. Not expensive.
Okay, that's it for now. Hope that helps!!