Re: Need expert advise for 90 yr old mother, PLEASE
What I thought were "only" candida and
food allergy related digestive problems in my mother turn out to include parasites. Intermittent diarrhea and gas pains have weakened her.
She has been diagnosed with entamoeba histolica, entamoeba dispar trophozoites, entamoeba hartmanni cysts and trophozoites, endolimax nana trophozoites. I don't really know what these things are.
I know the doctor will give her medication which I don't trust as they usually have side effects and from what I read, don't address all different parasites. I suspect she has more than what they found in that one time stool sample. . at the same time I am afraid to go and pick just any herbal combination for her. Firstly, herbs usually take way longer than medication. Secondly, if what I pick (
Hulda Clark 's formula? Paragone? Old Amish Dewormer? Or?) does not work, then I don't know how to justify my actions.
WOuld anyone here know what those names above stand for, and which herbs or herbal combination would best address this situation?
My inclination is to let my mother take whatever the doctor prescribes, and then still put her on some herbs. What do you think? Or are there some herbs that work in a week or two, like drugs do , so I can fake it do the doctor, in case we are to bring an "after" stool sample?
Your help will be greatly appreciated!