Hey stranger....
Hi it's a Dr. "D" fan on the prowl. HAven't been on Curezone for eons thought I'd pop in for some juicy gossip! I thought I'd mention that there is a place here in the "Mighty T.O" capable of pinpointing exactly which parasites ail you thus making a "Recovery Regimen" more individualized. Ms. Dr. Dianne Chung(the one & only) reccomended I go for testing. They are called Red Paw Data Services. Located at 94 Cumberland st #416. I tested positive for 2 strains of bacteria & 1 whipworm called(Trichuris. I might add they also then furthur test you for the specific medications that work with your body's biochemistry. I am Blood Type A & sure enough Genestra Pumpkin brand was amongst the best methods for elimination.The worst medication was anything containing grapefruit seed oil. I guess what I'm getting at is everyone of us is so individual.I am so relieved I found this place it puts everything into perspective. Hope I've been of help! I wish I could help everyone on Curezone...But till then I gotta be down with my T.O women! Ya know what I'm a sayin?? Take Care! Stay Cool!