Want to know if others may have experienced this:
I just finished my 10th liver flush. It was 7 weeks since the previous one; each of the first 9 were 2-4 weeks apart. Flush went OK; lots of stones.
This morning after finishing up the bulk of the purge, I had a light breakfast; nothing out of the ordinary - shredded wheat, milk, toast, coffee... same as most breakfasts.
BUT, I had a massive allergic reaction about 20 minutes later; broke out in hives INSTANTLY; big ones, growing fast: neck, face, armpits, inside elbows, down the back and growing. Within 5 minutes I knew what was happening and drank a bunch my kids' benedryl and rubbed benedryl all over my face, neck, arms. It is now under control and going down. For a few minutes I contemplated heading to the emergency room since it was growing so fast.
This EXACT same thing happened after flush #3.
Why is this happening?
Anyway to avoid it?
I am convinced that it is connected to the flush and am wondering if I stirred up some toxins, or irritated the liver to kick up an allergic reaction or something.
Thoughts from anyone experiencing this or someone who really understands this from a medical standpoint?