I have had chronic hives for 25 years, and every time I did a liver flush, ( I have done 20+ so far) I would have a worse than usual reaction, despite taking a daily dose of antihistamines. And, for the first few months of
Liver Flushing every 2-3 weeks, my hives were worse than ever. This would happen every time I would do any kind of cleanse, btw, colon cleanses, kidney cleanse, colonics, green drinks, anything that would clear toxins.
The good news: All the cleansing of the last 2 years is starting to finally pay off. After the last 2 flushes, I am not getting *any* hives right after, and in general, I am hardly getting any flare ups at all anymore. I have also been able to cut my daily dose of antihistamine in half.
I am convinced now that my chronic hives came from an inability of my liver to handle an overload of toxins, and it came out through my skin in the form of hives instead. Note: I did do a complete allergy testing workup however, to rule out a true allergy, and still take daily antihistimes as a precaution. If you are suddenly getting hives, it would be prudent to *make sure* that you are not truly allergic to a food, as this is nothing to fool around with!
I recently saw an alternative MD about my chronic hives, and he said that my liver was congested, and he prescribed Chinese Bitters as well as some acupuncture over my liver. I think this helped turn the corner, in addition to the 20+ liver cleanses. I passed one huge stone a few flushes ago, and after that, I did not get anymore hives after flushing. Also, the last 3 times, I have followed the cleanse with a coffee enema, and I think this also helped.
I would say, don't eat anything that you have not eaten before for a few days after the flush, when you are more sensitive, (get tested if you are not sure) keep some good antihistamine around just in case and keep on flushing. Look into Chinese Bitters & try a
coffee enema after the flush to clean out any remaining toxins. You will turn the corner eventually, Good Luck!