Want to Deworm, need help
I hope someone here can help.
I get no response from the
parasite forum.
Currently I am on Day 20 of the MC
(I am doing well, have lost 16
pounds so far).
I did a
Liver Flush with
Olive-Oil and Lemon Juice a week ago
(Very successful...I didn't think there was any thing left inside of me before the flush).
Since I will be continuing the
Master-Cleanse for at least 3 more weeks, I want everything out of my body that is not supposed to be there.
I want to try the
Tapeworm removal with the CoQ-10 and mop up but I have a few questions.
1st -- If I take the CoQ-10 first thing in the morning, on an empty stomach, how long do I wait before I do a sea-salt water flush?
2nd -- Do I take the CoQ-10 dry with a spoon, or with water?
3rd -- Only 1 dose?
4th -- How long do I wait before I do the mop up?
5th -- Can I use just extra-virgin olive oil or do I have to use the ozonated?
After the
Tapeworm removal, I would like to use Paragone, but I don't know how well it will work to remove the candida while I am on the
Master-Cleanse (with the maple syrup).
I would appreciate any advice.
I am learning alot at this website.