What is WRONG with me? I have absolutely no Energy!
To All of The Responders:
{I have two questions, I sent this earlier to the wrong section}
I thank God in Heaven for all of you!! Each of you seem to have so much valuable information which you so willingly share with others, and just think the doctors in the white coats are making all of the money (to infect, break down our immune systems with
Antibiotics and are killing us). Each of you are a "savior" in your own right. I have learned so much from each of you, during the past weeks just reading. Just a note to "thank you" and please continue to share your experiences.
What is WRONG with me? I have absolutely no Energy! All I can do is breathe, and walk. I have been so-o-o sick for the past 5 years, and no doctor (approx. 16 doctors and a zillion tests) has been able to diagnose or treat me successfully. Please tell me if any of the symptoms below are related to Candida or Leaky Gut Syndrome, please?
1. Mucous Cough-ups - clear in color (400 to 1200 per day f/5 yrs)
2. Extreme Fatigue (diagnosed w/Epstein-Barr 15 years ago and
Hypoglcemia about 28 years ago
3. Terrible skin fungus around fingernails (not on nails) it
itches and the skin peels off and bleeds (for 4 years)
looks terrible!
4. I've had pneumonia 4 times in the past five years(hospitalized)
5. Sleep Apnea
I'am willing to try anything natural, foods, cleanses.....oh, please help me, if anyone has any suggestions !!!
Thank you,