Re: Back Pain/Kidneys/Die-off/Threelac-HELP! (Raider)
My bet would be this is caused from constipation.
I could be wrong.
If you can get a hold of some of Dr Schulzes Formula 1 or something that will help you to go. Maybe check at your local health food store you really need to do this.
I take Natures perfect enzymes from Noble supplements.
They are wonderful and past the enzyme test.
They are also a plant based enzyme.
I think they are great and one of the best out there.
They are 24.95 in the store and there sister company has the same ones with a different company name on them and charge like 29.95 last time I checked.
I bought some a few weeks ago because I sent starr my own personal bottle I had 2 and both open 1 for work and 1 for home but counted and made sure I gave her a full bottle so she could have them for her sick daughter when I sent her Threelac and hydroxygen.
Anyway since everyone wanted to know what enzymes to get I just didnt feel comfortable telling them global when I dont know how good theirs our I never used them and they are like 39.95.
I went ahead and bought 15 bottles of the enzymes with my retail license ( which is for something else nothing to do with supplements) so I have been able to offer anyone who wants them for 18.50 this is a great price for GOOD enzymes.
These are enzymes you can find at your health food store.
Good Luck and get that pooper pooping!!!!!!!