I took my son for the first time, I was truly amazed. I knew he had a lot going on, but it showed much more. The hardest thing was: Where do we start?? He was low in several vitamins and minerals, so there's a start. He has a lot of resentment, but from what, or towards who?? He's 11 yrs old. He has in 2nd appt in 9 days. I feel we're finally going in the right direction concerning my sons health.
My first appt is in 4 days. My main concerns are headaches and obesity. I'm sure we'll find much more. I'm excited about all of this.
Along with the QXCI she also does a foot detox. For 3 hours it's only $75.00. How awesome!! The foot detox is $25 and the QXCI is $50. I think she wants to get her clientele up, get the word out, then raise prices later.