some LCDs subtlyharm
You're lucky to find such a PR!
In 2003 I was gypped by a faker who charged more than $300 and knew nothing.
Re: your son's headaches, here's stuff the QXCI may not pick up as causes of headaches:
frequencies emitted by computer monitor fluoresence
note that "eye pain, headache, dizziness & nausea" are the top keywords people use to find my monitor pain site. See:;ref2?login=monitorp
(also note that **some** laptops ***may*** have more of a chance of having only 1 fluresent tube versus the 2 or more that are standard in desktops.
foods containing potent onion/garlic in them (I believe sulphuric acid is even more acidic than
citric acid ). for example - oniony herring, spicy salads, garlicky pickles...
ice cream/sherbet containing citrus or sodium-citrate