Thank you--this is supportive of health education. But I'm new to this site. I have found that way too many of us have so many options and money compared to others in this world, that we lose common sense in trying to go against what is a part of life. The qxci cannot give accurate health readings with a birthdate inserted or hair analysis, nor a diet by blood type, nor high potent supplements, nor organic fruit instead of washing regular--I appreciate the interest but remember like a chiropractor getting out of his qualified field and selling a powder to build up fili, we need to have basic common sense in spending our trust, money, and time--don't shorten life with this obsession--because these methods don't extend life. We've all fallen victim to miracle wishing--maybe we're not looking for the blessings in the right way. Our health has a much better chance when we use common sense, laughter, and not being such fools. I've done plenty of this I'll call it now serving my charity time and money in this lifetime--Now I'm middle aged and plan to start living more freely. Like some are self-helped obsessed--what is the real problem. The qxci is not a real solution. Please get facts from a variety of unbiased people. I did talk to many who deal with qxci--not one, not one could attribute any true health gains.