calling sheldon please!
Hi Sheldon I was sitting here to night trawling through the internet trying as I have been now for some time to give myself relief from this incessant burning pain, when I came upon your stuff about the vitamin E and the diet. So I put my orange juice down and I take note. I thought I had been doing well for the last 3 days because I have had no wheat, no dairy except for yoghurt, very little sugar, no alcohol, which I am really missing and no caffeine except for the little bit in green tea. What I had been eating was brown rice veg and loads of fruit and feeling worse, stool’s more burning and lighter in colour. I am not sure what my pain is down to, as I seem to have so much going on for me. I am 39 and since the age of 18 I have suffered with what the doctors told me was irritable bowel. This took the shape of mostly constipated, swollen stomach and pain until I was about 32. I felt up until then that it was bearable. Then I started to get bad diarrhoea and undigested food in stool's mucus, some times the pain would be so bad that I would throw up, I also developed lots of allergies. Still told IBS, still bearable. Then 2 years ago I had my son (1st and only child) he was delivered after a long difficult labour by emergency c-section, following this I had an infection. Then the trouble really began then. Then pain that had always been on my lower right hand side got much worse it radiated to back burning, it became more like pelvic pain, t hen just bowel pain. Finally they gave me a laparoscopy a couple of months ago and found a cyst and endometriosis near the bowel and adhesions on the lower right hand bowel. So ok this is really along story but I understand how the burning could be inflammation due to these things but not how it could make my stools burn! Is it possible to have colitis/chrouns with out bleeding? Is a symptom of it burning? Where do I get such a small enema, or is this just a large syringe? I have vitamin E tablets from a big store here called Hollond and Barrett just says on the label Natural D-Alpha Form E-400 I.U will this do? I know its along shot and I know that the burning is more then likely down to adhesions because I started to feel pain on the left hand side right after I had the laparoscopy. Forgive me for going on but I am becoming increasingly desperate to find some relief from this. Any advice would be greatly appreciated…best thoughts Moonie