Re: 1st liver cleanse problems
Just thought I'd post my experience since I was nauseaus the first time I flushed too. I threw up at 2am and was worried that nothing was going to happen.
I soon learnt that I was majorly dehydrated. I hadnt drunk *any* water for four days leading up the flush. I had drunk 1 litre of organic apple juice, and eaten only *raw* veg and fruit.
Around 9 am the next day I started drinking water by the bucket load. After about 2 litres, I finally had BM's around 4pm! only got out the tiniest bit of sludge though, and one little green pea looking thing.
I followed Dr Hulda's instructions to the letter, BUT I did have 5 tblespoons of
Epsom Salts because I have a large stone I wanted to get rid of. And I also drank a cheap olive oil brand (Bi-Lo)!
I'm now doing the the "Ultimate Internal Cleansing Detox Program" by Quick Cleanse to try and get my body functioning properly in all areas before I concentrate on one area again.
Hopefully my next flush will get that 2cm stone out!