Re: Concentration camps set up and waiting for American citizens
Swede - Your excellent post did not go to waste - well written.
Although, I and my family have paid mightily for my refusal to
act like one of Pavilovs' dogs, you can easily see that America
is heading toward a 1984 mentality - or is it 1936? Observe the
sheep being lead to slaughter. They pay to wear clothing that bears
brand names for there moronic peers to observe. Watch Jackass,
Bachelor, Jerry Springer, or Survivor. Is it any wonder that
"civilized" countries hold the worlds' bully in contempt? Americas'
concept of success is a cornucopia of material things... they have
been brain-washed to have no concept of intellect, grace or humility.
Stofurs is a prime example of the brain-dead masses.