Re: Triphala /trifala/
Hi Tracy,
It's an Ayurvedic remedy. I've tried it on 2 separate occasions:
last year I took a small amount every day with honey, didn't seem to do
much. Recently I took a large dose, once only, again with honey. Had
difficulty getting it down (without vomiting). That was at noon. The next
day didn't go into work. I was constantly going to the bathroom and
also vomited, had a headache. It did clean me out, but through both
ends. It did not clear out any mucoid plaque. I think I've had better
luck with the B&P shakes mentioned on this site. As with some other
Ayurvedic remedies I've taken, the reaction is almost a little violent
for my comfort level.
My husband loves it though. He likes that feeling of being cleaned out
Take care,