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Re: Ideas to reduce gas please

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

Richard Views: 2,069
Published: 22 y
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Re: Ideas to reduce gas please

Hello Barto

You did mention that you are taking probiotics although I am uncertain what kind of probiotics. If it is a good and appropriate probiotic it should have reduced the gas, bloating and discomfort for you. Please check to make sure that the probiotic has bifidum bacterium as that is very essential for bowel cleansing. Most of the problems arise from a poor and unhealthy colon/bowel.

For constipation, I would suggest flax hulls. They provide both soluble and insoluble fibre and provided you drink a lot of water, it should work very well for you. In addition, flax hulls, which is different from flax seed or its oils, contains very high levels of botanical lignans. These are phytoestrogens / phytonutrients. The lignan is known as secoisolariciresinol diglucodie or SDG. The lignan by friendly bacteria in the bowel into mammalian lignans called enterodial (ED) and enterolactone (EL). Both ED and EL are powerful antioxidants as well as great free radical scavengers.

Tests and trials have shown flax hull lignans to be very effective against cancers particularly bowel, breast n prostate cancers. In addition it is very helpful for memopausal women as it helps to balance hormonal imbalance and "hot flashes". The lignans are great immune booster too and taken with a very good probiotic like LB12 is very beneficial to the body n health.



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