Hi all about 3 years ago I caught Chlamidia from my ex-fiance and after i got it taken care of i started having major issues with my stomach. My main symptoms include Overly excessive gas and minor to severe stomach pains. My bowls seem to be normal but some of the time I get the feeling of incomplete evacuation and minor constipation. It feels like i need to go but i cant but if i eat a big meal I have no trouble. And sometimes ill have 5-6 small movements in one DAY! The main problem with me is i pass gas all the time and i feel bloated and sick to my stomach all the time. This has literally ruined my life. I had to quit school because i was too insecure about being around other people with this excessive gas problem. It seems like gas passes without me even trying and this has ruled my life. My doctor first thought i had cancer so i did all the tests for that and they all came back negative. So he blurts irratable bowl syndrome and said i would just have to live with it. Not wanting to accept that i went to get 2 other opinions and got the same exact answer from both specialists. So now where im at is 3 years down the road with absolutly no life at all. I dont wanna be around ANYONE because my constant gas passing has ruined my self esteem. So all i do now is sit in a room all day feeling sorry for myself and literally crying every other day(and im a man). Ive tryed beano phazine and other over the counter gas medicines but i never get any relief. I havent had a girlfriend or had sex for that matter for the last 3 years because there is noway i would even consider getting close to another person smelling like shyt. Right now im juggling major thoughts of suicide and im so confused and i feel alone. I mean my doctor for 20 years basically turned his back on me telling me there is nothing he can do. Seriously MY LIFE sucks and I have been Perfectly healthy until i caught the clap from my stupid cheating fiance and thats when all these stomach problems started occuring. PLease help me someone before i do something really stupid.