Thyroid or Biotin blow-out.
Post this query at the THYROID FORUM. Check your Thyroid function. Do the basal temp test in the morning before arising and at the same time in the afternoon. The details should be somewhere on the net.
Biotin deficiency can cause hair loss. Don't eat any raw egg whites, which blocks Biotin, and supplement as needed often rather than in large doses. How about seeing a medical specialist? This kind of non-specific, airy-fairy diagnosis is disturbingly vague. This can also be caused by some kind of
parasite like Ringworm.
What was the stress? What is your background? Any
Sugar problems in your family? Any chemical exposures at work or play? I would suggest a strict low-to-no
Sugar diet, especially avoiding yeast breads and beer, which contain yeast food, to get out of the Chronic Fatigue cycle. Check out the
Candida Forum . And please see somebody who is competent. God bless you!