My dad was diagnosed with cancer of the esophagus April 1. I found out today that it has spread to other organs and that the prognosis is not good: A YEAR TO LIVE, is what I was told today. Is there anything that you could recommend: Books, herbs, anything he could do to heal himself naturally? Or at least better the quality of his life. I know that you say that your programs heal. And I myself am now on your bowel detoxification program. Although at this advanced stage, I have a bit of skepticism. I don't know exactly what is next for him. I will be seeing him in a few days and I really want to support him and get as much information about this "crap" that is growing inside of him. He is 69 years old and is from the old school. Anything new age is a bit foreign to him. He is a very strong man, Type A, and a go-getter. And I hope that that will help him beat this. Thanks, A very sad son.