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If you don't understand the science...
resurrectionist Views: 3,451
Published: 20 y
This is a reply to # 567,094

If you don't understand the science...

I haven't seen any solid scientific proof that green blobs are gallstones. You obviously have difficulty grappling with the concept which is why I believe you don't understand the necessary science.

The physicochemical characteristics of the green blobs are not those of gallstones. If you read my previous posts you will see I do not dismiss the possibility of Gallstones coming out with the Liver Flush - it would hardly be surprising since Gallstones pass spontaneously anyway. This is what causes pancreatitis for example, when a gallstone gets stuck in the sphincter of Oddi. Do you know much about the anatomy of the biliary system nick5? You probably think its not necessary.

Unfortunately there are no shortcuts -except believing that there are people who do understand Science that contribute to peer-reviewed journals and debate the merits of the papers.


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