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Ask The Profiteers
Blue Stone Views: 2,561
Published: 20 y
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Ask The Profiteers

Ahhhh I see you made your way to the "basement" of curezone.
Work hard to increase your awareness, and you will eventually
(no promises) be able to be part of the support team of this site.

As far as the "Please. always seek help from a health professional before choosing to following any advice given on" disclaimer; well you see when you dig in and begin your journey of awareness, you will come to understand how the mainstream medical model was founded, who the players are, and how they control things. From powerful lobbyists, campaign contributions, bullying, etc, they have a lock on things (disease business). So, to cover the legal aspects of their domineering power play, alternative sites or anyone that gets in the way of the globalist's bottom line, must cover their legal butts.

It is akin to trying not to be stepped on by giants, that is the profiteers who run the show on mother earth.

Now I have a question for you. Are you open minded? Do you want to learn? If so, I am confident that you will have a paradigm shift in your thinking. I will tell you though that mediocrity and mainstream conditioning can be hard for some people to trancend. Its comes down to the blue pill or the red. Truth or slumber.

Hope to see *you* join the enlightened ones. When you're ready that is. Work hard and learn. Remember that a mind that is already full of old ideas may not be able to hold new ones.

Good luck!

Innovators and original thinkers and artists attract the wrath of mediocrities as lightning rods draw the flashes.
Theodor Reik


Ahhhh I see you made your way to the "basement" of curezone.
Work hard to increase your awareness, and you will eventually
(no promises) be able to be part of the support team of this site.

As far as the "Please. always seek help from a health professional before choosing to following any advice given on"disclaimer; well you see when you dig in and begin your journey of awareness, you will come to understand how the mainstream medical model was founded, who the players are, and how they control things. From powerful lobbyists, campaign contributions, bullying, etc, they have a lock on things (disease business). So, to cover the legal aspects of their domineering power play, alternative sites or anyone that gets in the way of the globalist's bottom line, must cover their legal butts.

It is akin to trying not to be stepped on by giants, that is the profiteers who run the show on mother earth.

Now I have a question for you. Are you open minded? Do you want to learn? If so, I am confident that you will have a paradigm shift in your thinking. I will tell you though that mediocrity and mainstream conditioning can be hard for some people to trancend. Its comes down to the blue pill or the red. Truth or slumber.

Hope to see *you* join the enlightened ones. When you're ready that is. Work hard and learn. Remember that a mind that is already full of old ideas may not be able to hold new ones.

Good luck!

Innovators and original thinkers and artists attract the wrath of mediocrities as lightning rods draw the flashes.
Theodor Reik



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