I'm a pretty active person.
I train at the pool 4 times a week, and swim 2km each session.
I also do 1-2 power walks/jogs each week as well.
And aside from that, I walk around the place alot- probably an average of 30 minutes a day just getting from here to there.
Believe it or not, this is actually pretty chilled out for me! I must admit, the main reason I exercise so much is so that I can eat like a piglet!! Everything I eat is very healthy, fresh and mostly organic, but I literally eat enough to fill a very large male athlete!
I just wanted to point out- you shouldn't start out trying to do 21 repetitions of each posture at first. The build-up should be gradual. Start with 3 reps of each, do this for a week, then build up to 5, 7, 9, etc... in weekly increments. It's important to let your body gradually build up in this way.