last night before I went to bed I prayed that God give me the answer to he question what am I missing that is not letting my physical body heal? I was thinking so much in terms of a remedy like a vitamin, a technique and a treatment. So imagine that I sit down at the computer and curezone is up on the screen like it always is because I am always searching for the cure, and I " accidently" hit this forum NDE which I have never been to. I say accident in quotes because it was no accident at all because I hit your post first even before the previous, and I don't know why because I sat down here to pay my bills online, as I am writing you this I am literally weeping because I know this is what I have been forgetting LOVE and especially forgiveness. I know for sure that this my answer because what brought me to this state of illness is anger, jelousy and hatred
I thank God for your message and I am sending you so much love right now!!!!!! I printed it at will post it on my wall!!