Sylvia Browne:on the omission of books
I've just read some of the posts stating that "books were cooked", "omitted",:
When I went to Sylvia Browne's conference ( If You Could See What I See) she simply
put it like this: Dead Sea Scrolls (which she further states that our Lord Jesus
had a hand in writing), The Hag Hammadi, The Essenes (works), etc...etc...
were omitted because guess what?----- The omitted works- were ALL ABOUT LOVE.
Hmmm... interesting?!?
Think for one minute. People sitting around (who were the people reading these
works?) reading... coming upon line after line of nothing but... LOVE.
Double Hmmm.
Who were they?: They who read these books. Did they have something to fear about
letting the message of LOVE prevail?
A splendid day to all of you here in the NDE forum.
May the Light of Peace and the Hope Of Love surround you.