My heart goes ut to you Jimman, UC is not pleasant at all. My brother (22) has had it since he was about 17. Are you on imuran (or other immune suppressant)?? I guess you already know this, but keeping a pure diet is crucial if you are, and keeping your exposure to toxins & pathogens to a minimum.
My brothers docs won't let him try anything apart from their drugs either - they sort of have the attitude that if you're going to start taking matters into your own hands then you're on your own. I suggested MSM and L-glutamine, both good for healing the gut, and he was told no. I have been trying to encourage my bro to cut out tap water (fluoride), cows milk, Sugar & sweeteners, Mono-Sodium-Glutamat (Natrium Glutamat) etc, and stop using chemical laden household & personal care products - it's important if you're using an immune suppressant, you don't know what damage is being dome to you while your immune system is comromised.
Take good care of yourself, I hope you make a full recovery.