I believe 100% that each of us has many soulmates. I am convinced that a number of people who have been in my life have also been with me in former lives. My son, for instance, my sister, my boyfriend and two of my close friends I feel I've definately known before, it's a very familiar and permanent feeling it's like I've been around their energy forever and we have always taught each other and learned from each other. I've always had the underlying feeling that we have something to accomplish together and that it has been this way for us before.
Then there are people who keep coming back into my life time after time, and while I wouldnt be close to them as such I keep running into them and they will be present in my life for a little while and then be gone again until the next time. I had a relationship years back like the one FF described, where we were very wrapped up in each other and argued and faught constantly, it was a very destructive relationship and ultimately ended in violence - but I still feel as if our souls are connected and will meet again. When we were together we split many times for weeks and months at a time and it happened several times that we found each other in the most random, unexpected places miles from anywhere we would usually be.
It has happened to me several times that I met or was introduced to people briefly and felt an overwhelming sense that I had met them before or that I would meet them again - just a sense that they were important for some reason - only to end up having them in my life some years later.
When I met my boyfriend, I felt that familiarity. We discovered we have a telepathic connection - that might sound odd or even ridiculous, but we've grown so used to it we don't even notice it anymore. Forget finishing each others sentences - we start each others sentences! We frequently say exactly to the word what the other was about to say - or answer a question the other was about to ask. One will do something the other was about to do - or pass something that the other was about to reach for. We can go an entire day in the same space without speaking and yet communicate the whole time, words are just sometimes uneccesary. We partook of a certain hallucinogen (yes ok i know bad Mel I'll slap myeslf on the wrist!) once a few years ago and had identical hallucinations at the same time, which were not anything to do with the surroundings - we saw the same sequence of images on a switched-off tv screen. I feel that we've definately been together before and that we will end up back together again.
I believe my parents are soul mates - they were born two days apart at the same hospital and my grandmothers shared a ward (they had never met before and didnt again until my parents met). They were brought up on opposite sides of the county in two very different kinds of area, only to meet when my father moved to my mums area to work, years later.
Since I have been aware of soul mates I dont have the same panic about losing people, or relationhips and friendships ending, that I used to have - I am always curious to meet other people that I might have a connection with. Whenever I part ways with someone I feel that theres every chance it's just for now.
I love hearing about how people met their soul mates and I always look forward to meeting more of mine.