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Re: For Rudenksi: What did God tell you about homosexuality?
Cure-iousGeorge Views: 3,218
Published: 19 y
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Re: For Rudenksi: What did God tell you about homosexuality?

Why does it matter?!!!

My dear Lord, it matters because it's what GOD SAYS!

What God says matters to me!!!!!!

So I want to know what God says about homosexuality.

I find it hard to believe that out of all the thousands and thousands of NDEs that have been documented that not one had an actual encounter with Jesus or Buddha or whomever appeared and said, "Ok - look: Here's the deal. I don't give a flying fig if you're gay or not. It's the way I made you. And this is the way you're supposed to me. So work it out."

That's all I want to hear...that God, or Jesus appeared to someone and made it clear about homosexuality.

That's the answer I'm waiting for.

No murking, mumbo-jumbo.

But rather, I clear and precise response from God, vocal myself, or through some NDE-er who has directly heard from God regarding this matter.


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