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The other side...
Theotherside Views: 2,338
Published: 20 y
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The other side...

Putting my toe back in also, with a little help from my friends...On this and The other side of the veil. I am reminded that when we pretend there is a struggle or a fight, we make it so in our minds. I like what you say about defeating negative energy, or the word I like too that you chose to utilize "vanquish". So by being bright, we banish or maybe we somehow transmute the darkness to what it really is. Maybe darkness is a form of light? in that by showing us The other side we are really seeing the truth and the light... We should be bright at all times. Which means we should live in the light of the Truth, to accept the darkness as it is and allow it to transmute to the essence. When we are we are more accepting of what is and I feel we do not judge things to be negative or evil. Yes when we spend time in darkness we get caught in illusitory judgements. I must say that reading of your recent events have served to lighten the load or reduce the weight from me also.




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