Re: Home...
Pale Blue Tint:
I love this forum and read it constantly, but figuring I've nothing to add, I leave the input to the qualified ones like dear rudenski. However what you write concerns me a little and I just had to jump in. Surely for all of us who are convinced of a greater after"life", the present seems difficult and we wonder how much better we will be once free of this heavy burden called the body. None the less, our mission here is to learn, but part of that learning is to achieve happyness and contentment in spite of the oftentimes grueling circumstances. Jesus said, "I have come that you may have life, and life abundantly" Regardless of what you think of Jesus, I think that statement best represents what God wants for us.
To be heavenly minded is the only way to become stronger in this process, but to be minding heaven because life seems unbearable does not seem like a good or healthy situation. I don't know what to say that doesn't sound either preachy, cold, easy for me to say, shallow , stupid or whatever. If I could call you up or put my arms around you and tell you that everything will be allright I would, but since I can't all I need is to ask you to please, please take courage and find the means to find fulfillment here on earth. Just know that until it's truly over, you have every right to find the warmth, love and acceptance which is every human being's right. And if you look for it you will find it, even if you need to change the places where you usually look for it. For starters, look how appreciated you are here on CureZone. There's lots more of this out there. Start by accepting your own beautiful self, just as you are, any kinks will be worked out of you in time, if you allow it.
Love, Deena