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NDE-Going to the Light
rudenski Views: 12,874
Published: 22 y

NDE-Going to the Light

On my way to a military school...I was involved in a car accident
during a flash-flood. As my car began to roll over and over...I experienced an extraordinary Near Death Experience.
I had a life review...i saw my life flash before my eyes...I saw every event of my life from outside of my was 3 a 3D movie of my if I was an observer of each event...Different events had different levels of importance...1. Most important were moments when some person shared their joy in some natural setting with with my grandfather...flying over a river....a sunset...
2. Then relationships: The love of my is funny breaks... eating...arguing..fussing...fighting...were just kind of fast forwarded...and not important
Any activity that was not related to not important...AS if every so called sin was simply forgotten...
Add every joyful event and every blessing in your life and take out the corruptable flesh...and this is what you get to take to the light...quite a wonderful video of your life actually....This is what you get to take with you...into the next life...all the joy and blessings you experienced in this life....
This was only the first part of my journey...I remember each part of this if it happened today...just now...
The rest of this journey was even more extraordinary....but I want to stop here for now....If you are interested in more of this journey...let me know...To sum it up...try to experience as much joy, love, and kindness in this life....because that is what you get that you can call "Yours" in the the next life.

Part II



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