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Re: Seeking Help
Jack Views: 1,544
Published: 23 y
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Re: Seeking Help

Matt -

You describe your feelings well. I know them too well myself.

Your spouse/partner can't be happy long-term when you are filled with these emotions that plague you.

As to therapy and cost. It's a problem, and can be a tough one. Don't let the costs kill the benefits of therapy.

Also, having a 'good fit' or match between you and the therapitst in sooo important. Don't be shy about telling the therapist that money is a big problem. He/she may cut you some slack on price. Perhaps a big discount.

If not, ask for referrals to low-cost providers. Catholic Charities, for example, in many places offers low-cost (real low) psychologists. (No, they don't 'preach' catholic or religious stuff, and you don't need to be catholic or religious! It's regular counseling, like anywhere else.)

It's just one of their services. There are bound to be other providers of low-cost counseling. Check with Universities or Colleges nearby. They may have trained interns (supervised by professors) who offer counseling as part of their licensing requirements.

Look on-line, too, for support or news groups, though no doubt in-person individual counseling should come first. Then maybe you can be referred to group therapy, if appropriate, and get therapy that fits your needs and limited bucks. Therapy is essential, not optional, I've found.

Untreated, it gets worse over time, just like other diseases: appendicitis, cancers, etc.

Best Luck



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