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Re: My new plan - Glutamine and Glucosamine
  Views: 6,051
Published: 19 y
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Re: My new plan - Glutamine and Glucosamine

Well to get to the point, my ass stinks. You read my complete story in the thread a few pages back called "My Story." I am not the original poster but my post was pretty lengthy.

When I was younger, if I took a trip in my car my car would smell like old food. I really didn't notice it getting progressively worse. It used to happen when I got really hot or if I spent too much time in my music studio playing guitar. I know that sounds weird, but sometimes I would not want to go play guitar because I knew I would smell afterwards. When I think about the long drives and the guitar playing the only thing that would come to mind was maybe anxiety? I don't know...

One day almost 2 years ago it just got really bad and I couldn't control it. I thought maybe I was constipated but I do have 1-3 bowel movements a day. I started wearing folded up toilet paper against my rectum and try and "block" the smell. I still do that to this day. Everytime I remove it (every couple of hours) I noticed that it is stained a little. I don't know if this is just because it is just about in my rectum or if I am leaking for some reason. Who knows.

My wife doesn't even know about this. Sometimes I notice that she smells something and will light a candle or spray some deodorizer in the air. I sometimes stink up the whole house and I don't know how on earth I have been able to hide it from her for this long.

More later...


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