What I do against Body Odor is taking a vitamin and mineral supplements and it is really working but it only decreas my odor.I use some vitamin K 1x500mcg, B-2 3x100mg, niacin 2x250mg, chlorophyll 3x100mg , b-12 1x500mcg, calcium 3x333mg, zinc 3x20mg, magnesium 3x170mg, niacinamide 1x500mg drink some Colloidal Silver and against halitosis I use 5% peroxide and also gargling Colloidal Silver and use it as nasal drips too.Im on diet, eat much vegetables fruit some rice pasta.What I think is the main that real works and quickly is B-2, niacin and chlorophyll.I think in some cases it could helps well.I will later try this new things but it will take some time to me.So if you already trying it let others know if it works for you and what what is your condition.Im probably trimethylaminuria patient with odors variating from strong fish-foul into fecal.