Intestinew to eliminate body odor and bad breath, leaky gut. Please, try it.
Zinc pills stop
Body Odor right away, but will not go to the root of the problem. Leaky gut, so start working on mending the damaged lining of your intestine with this product, and problem solved.
I do not sell this product or the supplements. I know that they work, and I want to help people who are going through what I went through.
Intestinew- A natural formula to help maintain and support the mucosal lining of the intestine for maximum protection against leaky gut. IntestiNEW provides ingredients that the body uses to generate the intestinal mucosal lining essential to proper digestion.
Ingredients: L-Glutamine, N-Acetyl-Glucosamine, Gamma Oryzanol, Proprietary Herbal Blend, Cranesbill Root, Ginger Root, Marigold Flower, Marshmallow Root.
N-acetyl-glucosamine (NAG) is a form of glucosamine, one of the building blocks of joint tissue and other connective tissues.
What is the intestinal lining?
The intestinal system is made up primarily of the small and large intestines. The intestinal system is where nutrients are absorbed to feed the organs, tissues and virtually every cell of the body. A properly functioning intestinal system is vital to overall health and well-being. The intestinal wall secretes mucus which forms a "membrane" or "lining" that coats the surface of the intestinal tract. This lining is essential to proper digestion, immune functions and overall health.
Why is the intestinal lining so important?
This lining serves many functions. Three of the most critical are:
Lubricating intestinal contents.
Helping with nutrient absorption by allowing properly digested foods to pass into the bloodstream.
Serving as a protective barrier to prevent the absorption of unwanted toxins,
parasites and undigested foods.
Where does this lining come from?
Every 3-5 days the intestinal system sheds and renews the cells that line the intestinal tract. The amino acid, L-Glutamine, is the primary fuel for this process.
L-Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the human body. When functioning properly, the body converts L-Glutamine into N-Acetyl Glucosamine, an amino
Sugar that is found in all tissues of the body. Much of the intestinal lining is composed of N-Acetyl Glucosamine, which serves to hold the cells of the intestinal lining together.
What can we do to achieve optimal intestinal lining health?
Much of the literature today suggests that supplementation with L-Glutamine and N-Acetyl-Glucosamine may be beneficial in the maintenance of proper intestinal permeability. It is suggested that as we age, we need more of these amino compounds to properly maintain this mucosal lining. Gamma-Oryzanol is a natural extract of rice bran oil. It is believed that Gamma Oryzanol helps maintain gastrointestinal health because of the strong antioxidant properties it exhibits.
"A healthy intestinal lining helps determine the overall health of an individual. A healthy digestive lining plays a critical role in the absorption of beneficial nutrients and the blockage of unwanted compounds into the bloodstream."
Leonard Smith, M.D.
Gastrointestinal Specialist
Natural formula containing ingredients that support the integrity and healthy functions of the intestinal lining
Contains L-Glutamine, N-Acetyl Glucosamine, Gamma Oryzanol, and herbs.
Easy to use powdered formula
Steps to Address Leaky Gut Syndrome
TAKE APPROPRIATE HERBAL SUPPLEMENTS to repair intestinal lining (IntestiMax).
IntestiNEW Supports a Healthy Intestinal Lining with L-Glutamine, N-Acetyl D Glucosamine and Gamma Oryzanol.
IntestiNEW contains natural ingredients that help the body maintain a healthy intestinal lining and permeability including:
• L-Glutamine
• N-Acetyl D Glucosamine
• Gamma Oryzanol
• Ginger, Calendula, Marshmallow and Cranesbill