I have to whole heartedly agree. I have been using HPO for the past months and my Bad breath is almost non existant. My teeth have actually whitened up alot too! It is the cheapest solution there is. It works. for my mouth wash I dilute the HPO 1-2 parts H2O. I pour a capfull of HPO and dip my toothbrush in it and brush my tongue and teeth with that. I also dip my floss in the capful of HPO. This really is the money shot guys! The cheapest and the ANSWER to your prayers. Don't waste your money on these other products. Even therabreath still leaves a bad taste in your mouth. I had used some the other day just to use it up and I had a metallic taste in my mouth for 2 days. Throw all others out and save money and anguish. watch your wallet get fatter, and the people grow nearer!