Hello Insearchof-
Just want to say be VERY CAREFUL about what the traditional doctors tell you. You want to be aware that unfortunately they do not have alot of knowledge about things like bad breath and Body Odor and sometimes will give you incorrect information. Also, remember doctors are in the business of MAKING MONEY. Sometimes they will tell you anything just to do an expensive procedure on a patient so they can charge your insurance company an outragious price, and the next thing you know is...they've just gone out and bought that brand new home or car :-) , so be careful. I really don't think surgery is your answer at all. Just a sidenote: My best friend of 12 years just had a tummy tuck (one that she really didn't need) and right after the surgery, something went wrong, and we don't know what, but she died. The doctors are saying it's not their fault but before the surgery she wasn't even overweight. She didn't even really need the tummy tuck but wanted it and her health was excellent otherwise. So just to say...be very careful about what the doctor's tell you when it comes to going under the knife. Good luck in finding your solution.
All the best. Minime.