naughtygirlie, your symptoms are identicle to mine, from your tonsils and thick phlem to your feet, EXACTLY the same only I'm male. Tried the therabreath with no joy either so gave up on it, you can use the same therabreath routine with regular oral products and achieve the same results. I also used to find significant improvement after clearing a few tonsilloliths. I've managed to eliminate tonsil stones altogether now by brushing my tonsils when I brush my teeth and I also brush right down in my throat with a (tung) brush very effective for getting rid of yellow/white tongue (6 months now and not one tonsillolith). I was about to have my tonsils removed at one time but i can confirm that my tonsils aren't the cause, they were getting contaminated by my tongue not the other way around because my tonsils never smell anymore yet my tongue always does after a given period as soon as it becomes coated again. When I scrape the thick phlem off my tongue it smells but blow it out my nose or scrape it from the sides of my throat and there's no odor from it whatsoever. More confirmation that my tongue is the culprit.
I too am just about to start a strict diet for a period of 2 months minimum to see if there's any improvement. Ive tried everything else without success. Wish me luck!