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hello, new here
Captive of a cruel life Views: 3,175
Published: 20 y

hello, new here

Hello all,
I guess I've been lurking around this site long enough, and its now time for me to come out of hiding to introduce myself, as well as share my story about living with what I call a cures from God.
Just like many of you here, I too suffer from a fecal Body Odor . I've had this "condition" I'll use this word for lack of a better one for nearly 5-6 years. I wear clean clothing, take a bath twice a day, wash with antibacterial soap, heck! I've even washed with pure odine and I can still go to work and have this fecal smell. Just like many of you, I myself can not smell the odor, but others around me can. I here them talking about it behind my back all the time at work. My job is on the line because of it, as I heard a manager ( a manager from another dept.) I work at an animal shelter and we share the building with animal control and their manager. Anywhay this manage told his workers that he's working on getting me out of here.I haven't heard a manager from my dept say anything but I know he's talking to them about it.
I don't drink or smoke, yet I could stand to improve my diet. In 99' I had my colon removed due to severe consipation that I had since I was age two. I don't know if this has anything to do with my condition or not.


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