I Think its gone!!!
wow! This is so exciting! If anyone remembers my old post, i was concerned that I might have had Fecal
Body Odor . This odor was a problem of mine for 5 years, and know matter what I did nothing seemed to make this odor go away..
However, I recently went to my physician for the second time because of this problem ( he subscribed Phisohex Body Wash for me, but it didnt work). Before going into this forum, I had no clue what Fecal
Body Odor was, and how it started and etc. So after visiting this forum, i wrote down some info about this problem and explained to me doctor. Unfortunately, he said knew nothing about this problem, and had never heard it before. But he told me before i go into drastic measures like bowel flushes and etc. I should try "GlycoLax"; A powdered substance you put in water/beverage, in which you drink every morning for 2 weeks. This causes natural bowel movements everyday (and its not like laxatives where its a sudden feeling of having to go the bathroom.. its very subtle). I did this for 2 weeks and I did a general cleansing... verryy general ( no fastfood, pop, greasy food) and now my odor is gone!
No more comments about my odor, or other people doing the "nose rubbing" when i sit next to them. I feel so free, i feel like a totally new person. its unbelievable. I cant believe got rid of this burden I had for 5 years just by taking some Glycolax.
You should really have your doctor write a subscription for Glyolax before going into drastic measures everyone~ It worked for me just when i thought all hope was lost! Good luck everyone!