Hi I have just recieved my Grapefruit-Seed-Extract stuff and have now been using it for a couple of days. I believe I too am suffering with candida- so am using the mouth wash to help me with the white tongue- no response so far .... but early days.
I was wondering what else you are taking? I also have the Grapefruit-Seed-Extract conecentrate? but don't really know how to take that? Also have the Capsuals plus- again haven't tried these yet as I am still taking Three lac daily? can I combine these Nutribiotic capsules with Three lac?
Anyone have any experince? Am I making any sense? I would do anything to have fresh breath..... would donate a kidney,Jump black pool tower, fight tyson, climb everest? sit through all Woody Allen movies.......... anything - please help!
Many Thanks
Also a special thanks to Vanmel who has got my spirits up recently- god bless!