NO MORE Vaginal ODOR with Grapefruit seed extr
Hi Guys I just wanted to let you know that i have had a terrible time with Vaginal odor inside my vagina and yeast infections, well i ordered grapefruit seed extract from nutribiotic, and boy it has helped enourmously!!!!!! first I have been douching daily with 10-15 drops in a 6 ounce douch bottle, for 5 days now and I am so amazed that i dont smell anything! I used to sweat alot there too but fo s weating in my crotch area and I ordered Maxim and its helping me stop the sweating in that area, just make sure you dont put it in the labia area, anyay I bought the maxim form there website and they are such a nice group of people, and one bottle lasts about 3-6 months for about $13 so its not bad,
anyway I just hope my prayers are answered and these 2 thinsg continue to work because I am still shocked that i dont smell my regular vaginal odor, try this grapefruit seed extract its such a strong and healing extract I had no idea it worked so well, I also ordered the pills and I think i will start taking them, if any of you want me to post the website where i ordered it I will let me know i think the bottle was only $7, and its very very strong stuff, I actually made a mouthwash and added too much of it and my mouth was soo numb for about a day lol! so dont over do it just add a few drops, I am also going to buy a sprayer to spray it outside my vagina, what I am doing now is i bought the grapefruit seed deodorant, its so soothing I bought the unscented and it leaves a nice scent, anyway I will share the site in case you guys are interested, i also bought the mouthwash they sell and its soo strong and its all natural I think I am addcited to this stuff,also since i suffer from bad breath the mouthwash helped me is made of peppermint oil, grapefruit seed extract and aloe, it works good too, anyway here is th site scroll down for all teh products