underarm odor
after my pregnancy with my daughter, I found that all of a sudden I am suffering from underarm odor problem. Before the pregnancy, I never had any problem like this at all. ever. I could literally go days without bathing and no one would know it. (i did that rarely of course, hanful of times while i was in high school, once later on during a bout of intense laziness)
anyway, it's not every day, but some days, it's bad and as soon as I step out of the shower I can run a finger on my arm pits and feel slipery/greasy residue that I had scrubbed off only seconds earlier. I had to change my anti-persperant of 15 years to a new one which really doesn't do that much of a better job. some days i know it's bad enough that people around me would notice.
I suffer from constipation but it has actually gotten better in recent years, although not perfect.
I had a skin yeast infection all around my upper torso and in my pits too for 2 years and i thought that's what caused the odor but ... i dunno... the infection is gone, the odor is not.