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Re: Day 21 My ups and downs
RedPlanet Views: 1,061
Published: 22 y
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Re: Day 21 My ups and downs


First of all, congratulations on your success. You have determination, and self dicipline.

Now, I want to point something out. You don't fast to lose weight. It is a nice side effect. Fasting is giving your body a break from food, so that your body can concentrate on cleansing. You may not lose that much weight, but you will gain a cleaner, healthier body. If you read all these forums, the Master-Cleanse is the beginning of a long process. First comes the MC, then Liver Flushes and parasite cleanses. All this is done in service to your better health, and mental clarity.

Also recall that if you do work out everyday, you aren't giving your body time to rest. And muscle that you gain weighs more than fat. What you should do is notice that your clothes are looser, and you feel more alert.

If you feel you are starving, then you need to get more nutrients into your body. I use 100% blueberry juice. 1/4 cup in a full glass of water. I drink tea, as well.

I think from what you're describing, you are not getting enough fluids, because you sweat and aren't replacing the lost fluid.

At any rate, you have done a good job and deserve praise.


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